If you go with those that use Yamaha Arrangers the vast majority just keep asking for styles for certain songs, rather than using any on-board features to edit or create them. (Although with the amount of styles available it’s probably not surprising)

There is actually a workaround if you use external styles, (So you don’t have to wait until the update arrives) in that the Wing plays Yamaha Styles natively (No conversion required) up to T2 level, so as there are 1000s of styles out there as well as editors for them, (Most free) you can create your own style externally, then load it into the Wing for final editing. (This since the June 2012 update is easily done)
NOTE: There is currently no software made that can read the latest Wersi Style Format, so exporting a factory style to swap parts is a no go.

Remember features are added by demand, therefore if there is something missing just get onto the manufacture to tell them that its wanted, and don’t wait hoping someone else will tell them. (Too many people moan about things and expect somebody else to fix it for them, rather than spend a couple of minutes to send off an email to those who make the decisions)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).