Originally Posted By: RICHARDS
Some of the voice depend on the musical instrument of each country. I would like to make a voice from my country like Vietnam
This is a sample of that instrument: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37qw5vNyYzE

How do I create it in Audya?


Originally Posted By: Ketron_AJ
First off, you will have to sample/record it digitally in say 5 notes per octave across the entire 88 notes (if instrument doesn't span this high and low or far, you can then attempt to sample/record every note).

Next copy these samples into the AUDYA'S HD (Wave folder to be exact). You may create a sub-folder in this folder to accomplish this so as to distinguish from other future sounds/instruments).

Now in AUDYA:-
* Press WAVE to access the wave folder.
* Press EDIT to enter the WAVE EDITOR
* Use MSP to assign each of these new samples to each of the keys. You may use the LFO editors (F6-F10) to further tune your sound.
* When done, SAVE your MSP file.
** TO recall - press DISK - go to MSP - load your new sound (made up of all the samples you recorded above).


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