Well there you have it.
A most perfect situation for a keyboard company to offer a totally non biased keyboard player.What a way to promote a keyboard and let a common folk dabble with it for say 3-6weeks,it would be a most remarkable,mezmorizing read here for me & others here on the great synthzone..i plead with the makers of MS to manifest such a reality of seasonal usage for Diki!
What a way to promote a product in the meanwhile to!I cannot for the life of me see why such a thing would fail to manifest unless shipping a keyboard is to expensive for a company as MS to do. I suspect a tax break for shipping even as a business expense..imagine if a good report on it was the end result!..that would probably mean at least 2 would be sold immediatly.What's to loose except eternal text on how good it is.

[This message has been edited by mr9000 (edited 08-06-2009).]