There was no debate here... You have to have a point that is valid before there IS an actual debate. Here is the original post on the thread you quoted, genesys.

In about 10 days, we wil release the new Linuxsampler 4.0, with 128 Midi channels integrated in the MS OS.

Now I'm working to create/edit the big Soundbank:
and then I'm ready to release the new ISO 1.4.
Just some days more patience...

Please tell me where any of that refers to sound and style editing?

The thing is, just about ANY feature, if you take as broad a definition as you have taken, no matter WHAT it does, COULD, if you were maniacally one-tracked minded about it, be taken as tangentially pertaining to style editing. Even turning on the machine and booting up has to do with style editing (because you can't edit styles while it is switched off! ). So, I guess by YOUR broad definition of the term, then yes, I asked for style development to go on hiatus while he worked on the styles. As absurd as that premise is, have it your way...

Mind you, there appears to be sufficient absurdity to go around. Here you are, championing the MS, telling those of us that are MORE than cognizant exactly what you can and can't do with an MS (for Pete's sake... if you have actually READ my posts once again, you would have read that I have an extensive VSTi collection based round my computer, and have been using them since the very start of the protocol). Trouble is, apparently, you don't actually HAVE an MS! So, what's the deal? Where's your major malfunction? Why don't you have one? If it is THAT superior, why are you using that piece of s**t whatever you DO have? By your own admission, you understand the MS no better than anyone else who hasn't got one!

What is this, Debating 101 at high school? Pick ANY position, and argue it no matter how little you actually know? I am sorry, but I'm done with you. This wasn't a debate, it was a debacle. And I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 06-07-2009).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!