As a Media Station owner who DOES use it live, not just as a hobby keyboard in a studio, I can honestly say what Fran says is sorta kinda true.

You can do those things he said, BUT everytime you re-load that style you have to do the same tweaks everytime.

They cannot be saved, so not really for live use. At home where you can have 5 minutes between songs to set up the LS "just right" to set up the vol sliders "just right" it is okay.

Let me stress ...THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF DOM OR THE MEDIA STATION... this is as Dom says an issue with Live Styler itself and as such needs to be taken up with Norbert.

Fran seems to think people are laying the blame at Doms door (which they are not), so thinks he needs to defend Dom instead of laying it out as it is, rather than glossing it.

You see I will praise the Media Station where it deserves it , and as readers will know I have done this many times. But I will not skip over any shortcomings I see.

Fran if everything is so good and great, WHY do you not use the MS live as I do and as other owners do? You have expressed a strong lack of confidence in using the MS live, why not admit it?

The Media Station I will say time and time again is a great instrument, its VST handling and audio handling via the dual player and the Qranger/Qtractor is superb.

Using Giga instruments is great. Being able to create your own GM soundbank of ANY giga instrument is great. Be able to combine multi VST's in one patch (combi), great.

Having a superb keybed, just "made" for piano samples, great.

Having three way eq on audio output in REAL TIME, great.

Having a great audio elastique engine for pitch shifting audio, great...

Being able to create superb AUDIO based styles is great.

And I could go on an on......

The ONE thing that is average is the midi style department. Thats it.

The sound boot issue has been fixed, Dom has indicated the other one issue (perf) is to be fixed in the near future. Including external display support which will allow all editing to be done using a 19" (or whatever size you like), monitor.

Once this final 3.3 OS is here, I have got to say the Media Station will have "arrived".


PS: @ Fran...Fran when someone makes an apology it is courteous to at least acknowledge it. That you didn't says a lot.