Look, we've actually got Dom, the developer, here by simply TALKING about the issues... He's talking about the issue (at least, one of them), when he SURE wasn't here talking about it before (while it was happening).

This is what happens simply being willing to discuss things here... enough manufacturer attention they come back and talk to us about it. Not to JUST those that own them, but to those who are keeping a weather eye out for how this 'work in progress' is coming along...

And all it took was someone making public the problem. It didn't really hurt, now did it? Just imagine... a place on the web where people could go to not just hear about the GOOD things in a potential arranger purchase, but all of the drawbacks, too... Then let the chips fall where they may. I've got no problem with anybody buying anything... just with potential problems being 'hush-hush' on a cross manufacturer public forum, and those potential buyers being ill-informed.

"Cause I might be one of those buyers one day...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!