Beautiful insight as usual, Russ. Actually it reflects what I'd been saying all along but I was misunderstood.

I bet were we all to meet with each other we'd be toasting each other with orange juice.

Like you love to say: Group Hug!

Russ, before I forget, Monk Noy's new term will start next month. I'll be getting in touch with you about it if you're still interested. I'll be sponsoring a new monk as the one I sponsored has graduated and is now a productive member of society.

I asked Nok to go to the temple and meet with Monk Noy. He's usually off at school as he's taking his studies very seriously. Hopefully she'll be able to meet with him and take a couple of pictures for you. He's a great young man with solid convictions. Nok told me that he really appreciates you and feels bad about being unable to give you anything in return but I think his devotion to his studies speaks for itself. You'd be really proud of him.

Your grandson, Mapanoy "Da Dude", attented school for three days but is back at home now. He says that he only wants to attend daddy's school. Having him run free in the yard makes me feel better as well. Even though I'm a kindergarten teacher myself, I never quite liked the idea of having small kids sit all day and spend all day inside. While it's very hot and humid outside, kids don't care as long as they're having fun.

Thank you, my friend.


Bo pen nyang.
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。