Hmm, well, I guess if Jimmy Smith was immortal, and if he had built Carnegie hall and made all the decisions for who plays there, then you might indeed have to tell all the little children that in order to get to Carnegie Hall you gotta go through Jimmy Smith.

What's the current estimation now about how much of our brains we actually know what it does or indeed if it is even being used? Seems like we have well over 3 4ths of our brain that is still untapped which might go a long way to understanding some God concepts in time, so there might be hope for your wife yet.

And, it isn't all about science; it's about life. A recent example, which probably won't resonate with Chas specifically, but maybe with someone watching the thread.

I recently lost 2 of my best jobs working as a musician here in Nashville. The 2-time world champ bull rider turned country singer Justin McBride, just dropped his whole band in March and got a different crew. And, the Marty Robins tribute show that would be really good pay for one-offs and not bad steady pay for 3 weeks at a time just did its last show in March too. So just like that, lost 2 of my jobs which ain't easy to come by in Nashville. Well crud, now what? Well, just by pure luck, I'm sure God had absolutely nothing to do with it, (yeah right) I was contacted by 2 people who wanted me to produce records for them. Keep in mind, these are the first records I have produced since moving to Nashville 2 years ago. I used to do some back in SD. Well, suddenly I had a record to do in April, and one to do in May. Oh, and it just so happened that a small inheritance that has been in limbo for the past I don't know how many years, but I wasn't even of age when the guy died, but he was a very good friend of the family and used to make cassette tapes for me of his old record collection. Anyway, I'd totally forgotten I was even in the inheritance, but my parents get a phone call to get my current info because there's a small sum of money due me and my siblings from his very modest estate. Huh. So 2 unexpected records, and an inheritance comes to me right when I needed the cash flow most. Guess it just totally randomly happened to work out that way. I choose not to thik so.

[This message has been edited by FAEbGBD (edited 05-22-2010).]