Originally posted by gilbert:
Lionstracs is DIFFERENT than its competition by virtue of the fact that it is open and runs VST.which in its self identifies that to get what you want, you must spend considerable time setting up every Part parameter then storing ready for recall at the push of a button, this work must be repeated for each performance stored.
Do traditional arranger players want this? I think Not.
On my conventional arranger i have excellent realistict sounds, Unlimited full programme set ups I can recall at the press of one button and adequate real time controls to enhance these programmes and a easy to use OS, Why would I want be Tweaking rather than Playing.Yes it is only a matter of Choice.

You have every right to be amazed at my conclusions for the same reason i am somewhat surprised at your very defensive post particularly as i have only just stated my opinion,you may not agree with me,but please don't attack because my views differ from yours.

From your comments I can only conclude you have never actually used or played a Mediastation. Otherwise you'd know that it comes shipped just like any other arranger with sounds, styles, and programs ready to recall at the touch of a button. From your post it also seems you don't deviate from the factory settings and only use what is supplied by the manufacturer which is a shame. I can't remember the last time I purchased a keyboard, synthesizer, or arranger where I ever used only factory settings. Given your statement arrangers wouldn't need any form of editing for sounds, styles, or programs since it seems you want it to do everything exactly as you like right out of the box.

I'm curious which arranger you own that has all the sounds, styles, and programs you need and requires you to never tweak a single thing. That manufacturer must have been a Soothsayer knowing just how to build that keyboard specifically for you.