Originally posted by Irishacts:
Simply fact is that this keyboard was released entirely unfinished with large percentages of it's OS missing. What company with a good balance sheet does something as dumb as that ?


Yamaha! Remember the PSR9000 Pro? If you happened to be one of the owners of that baby that Yamaha gave birth to well before it was ready you'd know that Ketron isn't the only offender and a good balance sheet didn't seem to matter in that case. Over the years many companies who were quite solvent have used the buying public as Guinea Pigs and Yamaha isn't excluded from that group. The problem is you never know if the keyboard you purchase is going to be 100% or not until after you've spent your hard earned cash. A simple demo in a store doesn't reveal what lies beneath and sometimes the depths of those waters run a lot deeper than you ever imagined. Caveat Emptor.