Some thoughts...

1) It's generally considered a sign of rudeness or ignorance to use harsher language than necessary when participating in a forum like this.

2) Given there is virtually no "filter" for people to join SZ, its naive to expect any different kind of breakdown than we'd usually find in any other musical circles. There are those members who are always polite, helpful and stay above the fray. They don't push buttons for the sake of doing so. There are also other personalities that for whatever reason prefer to be more hostile, rude, inconsiderate, etc. Who know why they do this...its probably an extension of their personality.

If you take 10 musicians...even KB players you're going to find significant differences in their personalities.

All the participants in this thread, I think are knowledgeable musicians. However, personalities have gotten in the way of the original, long forgotten post.

To be contrary or "edgy" or whatever the hell you want to call it isn't cool. It doesn't usually lead to some intense epiphany. It does usually lead to a distraction that has nothing to do with the original post.

Think about it...Haven't we all met musicians we liked being around and some we wouldn't? Its the same thing here.

Most guys, given the choice will go out of their way to be polite. Others, prefer to go a different way.

Threads like this are extremely boring for most of us, hopefully this one can be done with soon...

Bill in Dayton

[This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 10-25-2008).]
Bill in Dayton