Originally posted by ianmcnll:
That sums it up pretty darn good...and it won't change much in the near future, either.

Casio, Ketron, Wersi and Lionstracs don't actually make WS's (although the MS makes a passable one from a bad arranger ), so you would think that they have no reason to NOT try to break into this market. The MS tried, but couldn't come up with the content (and isn't what I'd call a 'user friendly' OS ).

And if those guys did, and made a profit, you don't think the Japanese wouldn't follow? In a New York minute, they would!

But, be it all as it may, I think we are obviously NOT 'preaching to the choir'... A bunch of old farts happy to the gills with the way things are aren't really those that actually CARE about this stuff. But move on over to the MoXS forum, or M3, or FantomG, and you might get a LOT more receptive crowd for these ideas.

Once someone showed them how easy improvised song performance is, live, with an arranger, compared to the clumsy WS's they now have, with the caveat that 'don't listen to the styles or sounds, just imagine if YOUR WS could do this, this easily!', and you might have a lot more people on your side compared to here, with it's 'it's good enough for me, it was good enough for my father, it ought to be bloody well good enough for my kids ' attitude that exudes around us...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!