
Inequality is inequality. When you talk about equality it has to mean just that. Do you think Christian women have it that good? The Vatican won't even allow male priests. Think for a second: why do women have to fight for equality, no matter where they live or their religion. Why are the decisions made by men? Because women will never be equal.

"Inequality is inequality" - If you are saying, the inequality between men and women in Western industrial countries is the same as the inequality in Muslim countries, and there is only inequality versus equality, this is a kind of leveling down argumentation I can't take serious, sorry.
No society is perfect, so you won't find any society in the entire world with perfect equality between men and women, attractive and non-attractive persons, tall and short persons, heterosexual, homosexual, intersexual and transgender people (nobody of whom have deliberately picked the way they are). This is very sad and unjust. But according to your leveling-down, it's all the same everywhere, and I always reject a thinking that doesn't take quantity or the 'degree' of a condition into account.
Of course the Catholic church is completely anachronistic, I don't defend it. In the Protestant church of Germany, the head of church and main bishop was a woman for several years (before she resigned due to a case of drunk-driving).