I’ve never red this part of Synthzone.; interesting.

Now this all about ME! I am a Christian and I view everything from a Christian point of view. I understand and respect other people’s choices to believe or not to believe.
n the Bible it is written:
The most important commandment is; Love God with all your heart. (Paraphrasing)
The second most important commandment is; to love one another as you love yourself. (Paraphrasing)

A teacher/leader at one of my Bible studies keeps sending me emails very much like is being posted here. I find them depressing—and why not they are depressing. Should I look the other way? Should I get into these type of thinking with all that I have?

There is another way:
1-I believe much of what we hear and read here has truth in it.
2-I also believe that people get into the subject as it is here in this forum minds begin to become heavy with hate, distrust, and they move away from the second commandment; to love one another as you love yourself.
3-I’m not against what is being written here but it needs to be balanced with caring, loving and understanding.
4-The Bible says it and I believe it. Man’s basic nature is not good; he is capable of the worst doings. No argument here. But man can also is good; there are many examples of man doing good things. Too much on either topic; doing evil and doing good is not real. Man is both; so why not give the different views here.:

In the Bible study when the conversation became heavily burden with negatives of how bad things are getting, and what we are in for -- a smart man said; Guys, don’t worry about anything; everything is going just the way the Bible said it was going to go

No perfect world here – man has always been greedy; there is nothing new. – I was invited to attend an AA meeting; I was leading a class and wanted to know more. The first that I heard is that you cannot trust anybody who is a user. I believe that covers most people today.

The part that most do not understand is that man was created good; what he does may be bad, but these are two different areas. Every man, killer, rapist, whatever is looking for happiness within what he believes. This makes a man extremely self-centered; on one else exists, no one else is important. When man begins to look for happiness outside himself he begins to change – the good side is being feed; the bad begins to devolve. So you see it is possible to love the man while still hating what he is doing.

Teach love and hate to the people you care for – anything else is harmful.

From my simple head, John C.