Well, we can change the future which is more important.
I would expect the same thing I expect from any religion.Talk about, educate people about it, inform of all aspects in the religion, don't turn a blind eye to it no matter what. Same thing as child pedophilia in church. Don't pretend like it never happened. That is not gonna erase it.Cross was used long before Christ too by Persians, Carthaginians, and Macedonians. And I think the same thing about it as I think about swastika. It is not the sign that is bad, it's the people that represent it. It is the people that use it for their personal gain, or for that matter even for their country gain. They make it bloody and dirty and not even close to sacred and holly.Same thing as using David's star and justifying killing of children, or saying Allahu Akbar and slaughtering everyone else who is not muslim the way you are.The same way to talk about slaughter of Natives. Maybe that is one of the topic for Thanksgiving.

The worst thing is to ignore it and trying to hide it , like it never happened . But, we do it anyway. Put it in schools and teach the kids, let them know about our dark past, and about sighs we swear by. That way it will happen again.

Edited by mirza (11/22/15 07:44 AM)