I agree with Scott that the topic heading should NOT be changed. It is what it is from this users point of view. As Scott also says if anyone is getting unfairly slammed others will be equally eager to jump in on the other side.

I only disagree with you on one of your last points here and that is about reaching at least the people at Yamaha in the top gun seats. Athan Billias who not only is the father of the Motif but runs the entire division there not only posts regularly on the Mo forum but when I have E'd him on several occasions, I have an E back that same day. John Schauer head of the AW recorders division called me a half dozen times at a couple of hours each to show and explain cool stuff on the AW 4416. For my own experiences Yamaha is by far the most responsive of all the companies out there to include Steve Deming yet another manager for customer support who posts in here when it is necessary.

However I too have received many times bounce backs from perfectly good E addresses and have had mine bounced back to others so I don't know about this case but it does happen.

jam on,
Terry http://imjazzed.homestead.com/Index.html
jam on,