Hi all,

We put all our latest music on a CD recently & I handed these out to some of my friends at work.

One person who is involved in sound & recording, was stunned by the quality of the recordings (note, I'm not saying stunned by our music, but stunned by the quality in which it was recorded). He found it hard to believe that this quality could be achieved by simply recording live direct to the HD of the Audya.

So, another superb feature of the Audya - the recordings are perfect. Just thought I should share this with you all.

Originally Posted By: Diki
A simple to use audio styles creator software package would help this arranger get the respect it deserves.

Hi Diki,

Don't forget, I can take ANY style, be it converted from another arranger, & then quickly & easily for each different variation, add:

1. Live onboard drums
2. Live onboard grooves
3. Live onboard bass
4. Like onboard arps & licks
5. Live onboard guitars
6. Live onboard user created drums (already being created by everyday users)
7. Live onboard user created live guitars (yes, only these ones are hard to do yourself)

to it. It is hard to comprehend just WHAT this does for the original style. (Don't forget, you can also attach 18 different wav files of your choice, transposed and synced automatically to the rest of the style, to the different parts of any style as demonstrated in a video somewhere in this same thread.

This procedure is so easy & quick to do that even a child could do it. I need no complex style creation software, neither do I need any more audio loops. There are just THAT many onboard ones to choose from...My AJAMSONIC update is with our customs. I'll have it in a day or two. It brings with it hundreds, if not over a thousand additional live professional audio tracks that can be added to the already impressive variety of ones onboard!

Keep well all my friends,

Make sure you'll fly forever!