Sadly, the one thing I REALLY like in the MotifXS keyboards is dropped in the XS Rack (and has been for all the Motif Racks)...
The sampler...
Somehow, Roland can include it in their Fantom Racks, but Yamaha drop it for the Motif series. Shame, really, as it isn't worth it for me to get a Fantom rack, as many of those sounds, and the 'flava' is already in my G70, and I really wanted to add Mega voices to my rig, but the incompatibility between MotifXS Mega voices and T2 and S900 ones makes using the XS Rack as a replacement for those products very difficult, and with no sampler, it starts to be a far less attractive purchase.
Hey, Jørgen - if you are reading this, how about a program that converts from T2/S900 Mega information into XS Mega info...? That would be REAL handy