Originally posted by to the genesys:
A post like this one really underscores the lack of understanding of an open keyboard.
Imagine if back in the day synth manufacturers were to say why have a sequencer on a keyboard when people already have 4 and 8 track recorders.
Or, why have drum sounds on a keyboard when people already have dedicated drum machines.

If you understand the thinking of manufacturers at that time then you should be able to understand the open keyboard concept.

If you read the quoted post then read my post, you should be able to think of the word that is the cornerstone of the evolution of synths to workstations and now workstations to open keyboards. I will give you a hint, it begins with I.

Man, I'm starting to think everything in your world begins with "I". But it does beg the question, why would someone who so clearly understands all the intracacies and nuances of all things musical, need the advice of a bunch of ignorant slackers such as, well, the rest of us, in picking out a cheapo keyboard for his friend. I think I may have a problem listening to or taking serious any of your future proclamations (aka BS - begins with "B", ends with "T").

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]