
Well, the owner of the house (the husband) is an accomplished engineer. He is a smart guy. I bet he knows about chemical effects than most ordinary people.

Now if you tell me that God told you certain things. That is great and if it concurs with the other things that God said in the past (the Bible) then that would be credible. If it's totally new then usually God gave you signs and wonders to authenticate His authority on you. Since God created miracles, it's easy for Him to do that. Does that make sense ?

Magical phenomenon is the realm of God or at least spiritual realm. Because we cannot duplicate it by science. And if you do not believe in it then you probably do not believe that this world was created by magical miracles of God. I think a person who believes in the existence of God should logically believe that God can perform miracles that is extraordinary even today. After all, He is God. Does that make sense ?

About ET's: I have no comment. So what if there is ET's. It will be good I think. And I bet God can touch their lives as well. So far, I don't think there is concrete evidence for it. Not this miracle oil is for real, you can experience it yourself. As I mentioned there are other miracles that God do on earth such as giving a new set of eyes to a blind person, or a new set of feet. Explain that with chemical effects !!!!!!!!!