I do not wish to be a harbinger of Doom, particularly bearing in mind that i am a beneficiary of "faith healing" (by my grandfather); however if one looks at the history of faith, and particularly secular religions and their so-called "causes", there can be no greater (humanistic) argument against organised belief: analyse the amount of bloodshed perpetuated in "his" name between various beliefs (still on-going), that the insistence that there is only 1 God (jehovah/allah/Eric Bloggs (for you Bloggists out there) and the followers of such beliefs devoting themsleves to the annihation of any opponent who dares indicate a contrary view, for it's validity. These sanctioned actions (generally politically motivated- e.g. the introduction of Orhdox Christianity to Russia - a mechanism invited in order to control the people) can surely only be calculated as i)at the very least small-minded, ii) moderately self-supporting (usually only benefitting those in power) or iii)at the worst, worthy of their own appearance at the International Court at the Hague for crimes against Humanity. . . . (of course there are many subtle variations in between, so few of them actually seeking any kind of Veriable Truth . . . . )

Sorry to be so controversial but this is surely a forum about Music and it's technology, rather than Miracles, Beliefs, Cabbages (if that takes your fancy) or whatever else.

I recognise that this forum is American-run and also recognise that the ethos of the Home country is at an understandble religous and cultural Crossrads, but come on guys and gals, lets talk music, not love or hate, nor religion or politics, CAP or WTO, lets keep it to Korg, Yamha, Roland,Soltan Kurzweil Gem etc and all the other title brands that we have elected to participate in, rather than miracles and ideology and other such stuff ( although A further discussion on the merits of the G70 may well comstrue iii) above!
