I think the only second board I’d consider at the moment would be a Roli Seabord type MPE controller. There are some things you can do with those that simply can’t be done on a conventional keyboard. Trouble is, I’m a ‘try before you buy’ kind of guy, and finding one round here is next to impossible.

Plus, at $1400 for a 49 note it’s not exactly an impulse buy! I know Marco Parisi is a very special player, and expecting results just like him is a bit optimistic, but the realism he coaxes from the Roli is a generational leap over conventional keyboards. At least the upside to a Roli as lead keyboard is that it’s ultra low profile, so it might be doable to have it stacked without completely obscuring me. But as a lead keyboard it might be better on my right anyway…

Anyone here spent any significant time on a Roli?




Heady stuff! 🎹🤯
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!