Hi All,

Not saying that you all have hearing problems but just try this


I also have tinnitus , some days it’s bad and sometimes it just goes away, high pitched screaming in your head, when I put my hearing aids in it goes away most the time, they self cancel tinnitus. A lot of people are walking about and have High Blood pressure and don't know about it, its called the silent killer, same with deafness, it is not just turning up the volume to correct it so you can hear it’s a loss of a range of frequencies, some of you will not know you have damage. I have said it so many times if you are working in a noisy environment you will have or are more susceptible to hearing damage and since you all work with KB sat on top of the PA or speakers, you are at risk.
I can now hear car keys ringing, my ankles cracking when I drive the car, water in the wash hand basin, flushing toilet, Ts & Ps are now clear all the high frequency sounds that I have lost between 19 and 60, I am not too proud to wear a set of hearing aids, anyway you can’t tell I have them in they are that small.
Word of warning they cost the same as the Tyors 4, if I take them out and start playing the T4 I might as well sell it, it sounds crap and so does the Ketron and the Korg. I have tried to explain to you about hearing loss, I am not going to mention it again but if you all think your hearing is perfect and you can judge mono or stereo sounds at your age then think again. If you are playing KB to old people they have the same problem, if they are telling you sound good, then believe them it’s OK by me, when did you last play in front of a bunch 20 year olds. Not their kind of music in your library.
Do the tests and please it’s not definitive!

Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey