AUDREY.... Count me in your "We" group!

For me the SynthZone Technics Forum is wonderful! I also go to Bill Norrie's site frequently. I have signed on to several others though I do not go to those anymore.

Many have attempted to begin other websites that deal with the Technics keyboards quite effectively. Many have also failed to maintain a membership for very long.

Most of those that have fallen by the wayside were very nice and those who still operate are also fine. I just do not want to spend ALL of my time going from one website to another and participating all day every day with Technics forums, or any other I-Net forums! I want to spend more of my time playing my Technics keyboards. I like finding all the information I want & need right here on the SynthZone Technics Forum.

That is the basic reason I have no interest in yet another Technics forum....

Yes, JOHN..."Can we all please let this matter rest, and get on with what we all do best, and play some sweet music..."
