Originally posted by squeak_D:
is it a sin to either ask or request clarification from the person knowing they're also paid by the product maker?

No, it's no sin, but once the person DOES clarify his position, you are somewhat in the position of calling him a liar (first a whore, now a liar where's the love? ) if you don't take him at his word. And, if you won't take a fellow member at his word, why ask for clarification in the first place?

If you've already made up your mind, why discuss it at all..?

I think you know me, at least from my posts. I don't take bull lying down After a testy start, Ian and I have grown to at least tolerate, and sometimes even appreciate each other in some ways. We've corresponded privately, he's heard some of my music, I've heard some of his (you know, the thing so many here are scared sh*tless about!) and from talking to him, I get the distinct impression he cares for his arranger regardless of whether he's employed by them or not.

Now, if he can persuade me (the eternal sceptic ), maybe you could give him the benefit of the doubt?

Personally, I don't care if anyone is employed by a company or not. A complete lack of objectivity is a pain whether influenced or NOT, IMO...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!