What in the hell is the matter with you people? DonM took the time to post a great photo of a new keyboard, one that 99.9 percent of you have never seen or heard. It only took a few posts to turn his initial post into another pissin' contest. How in the hell can you say you don't like a product you've never seen, heard, touched, etc..? Does everyone on this damned forum have an axe to grind?

Instead of thanking DonM for posting a highly detailed photo, some individuals seem to think this is a great opportunity to write their names in the snow.

I, for one, would like to thank Don for posting the photo, and DNJ for the link to the other forum. And, unlike the above posts, I'll withhold my judgement pertaining to the Tyros3 until I actually get to sit down and play one. They'll probably show up in this part of the world sometime in late October or November, at least that's what's in the rumor mill.

Finally, I'm always amazed at the number of individuals that seem to believe they know more about designing arranger keyboards than the manufacturers. This isn't a brand specific thing, it pertains to all brands. There are about a dozen experts on this forum who should form a panel to determine the key size, key feel, overall weight, construction material, color, screen size, storage capacity, jack placement, and every other design feature that should be on an arranger keyboard. Then, when you have all agreed on that design, set up meetings with all the manufacturers, put your detailed, highly researched proposals on the board room tables and convince them that is what the general public wants. Who knows, you may soon see the keyboard of your dreams.

It's not snowing here, and at my age you can't write your name in the snow without getting your shoes wet.

Thanks again Don,


Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)