Originally posted by ianmcnll:
I agree with the poster as well.

Yamaha has made a very wise move in keeping a consistant user interface and OS.


Ian agrees with another poster regarding Yamaha, I'm shocked. NOT! His answers are always pro Yamaha.

Of course the UI and OS aren't going to change, all they do is add a few new sounds, say they've created a new fangled sound generator (SA, SA2), and market the hell out of it as if it's all new. Rehashed crap is exactly that. If you buy into the hype then Yamaha will keep repeating the process offering little improvements in each new arranger.

As Squeak points out the Yamaha professional products division would have a very difficult time getting by with paltry offerings on new workstations. For some reason arranger users get the shaft and most of you seem to take it without question.

I jumped off the Yamaha train when they lied about adding features and updates with the 9000 PRO. It was supposed to be future proof but that future only lasted a few months before I saw the writing on the wall. It didn't take Yamaha long to discontinue the 9000 Pro and leave owners hanging with no new updates. Yamaha's primary concern is to sell you another arranger, not offer OS updates to make the product you already own better.