Ian.The problem is that yamaha is driven by sound business principles and not wishful thinking synthzoners. There is simply not enough demand to support yamaha diversiifying an already highly successful product. Demand must translate into profit. Would yamaha derive extra profit by producing a 76 key keyboard ? I dont think so. The arranger market is a small niche market, those players that want a 76 keyboard is a fraction of that niche, those 76 keyboard champions that would play a yamaha keyboard is a fraction of that fraction of that niche....those players that would buy a yamaha 76 instead of a yamaha 61 will cannabalise the sales of the 61 not increase it or are people sugseting here that yamaha drop their most successful aranger product in place of the 76 key experiment ??? That would be a smart business move right ??????. Remember profit is the motive and rightfully so.The tyros brand is doing incredibly well. It would take a very gungho product manager to mess with that formula. It was tried before with the psr 9000 pro. That sold loads didnt it ????? or did it ???? Give yamaha a good business reason to make a 76 keybaord version and they will. It is really that simple.

[This message has been edited by Spalding 4 (edited 03-27-2008).]