Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
It can be done and provides a nice alternative to hardware based systems.

I do really understand the most musicians who won't use a PC especially if it is a laptop because the past has shown us that windows isn't stabil enough for simple programms like Word, Excel, complex graphic engineering or simple web applications.
What the hell should make me able to believe that windows works more stabil with sound software? It's no problem while working in studio - if the PC hangs then restart it. It's not what I want to experience every day but it's no problem. While working in live acts this would be a very high risk...

Otherwise if you're using a laptop then your batteries might be too weak for a big concert...

Cough on a PC and it is fumbling!!!

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)