It appears that you are doing what I would like to, use soundfonts on my laptop. I have been playing with soundfonts on my desktop machine and they work well but I am traveling all the time for work and only have a notebook to use. Is there an inexpensive (free is even better) VST sequencer that will work with my Cubase SE and play my midi using my favorite soundfonts? I am currently using an Alesis Nanosynth on the road and it works but not as well as my favorite soundfonts. Thanks for any assistance.

Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Hi Starkeeper,
you may want to check first and see how large a font the Audigy card will allow you to load or you may be back where you started from?
I'm using
Forte Ensemble ( Demo Available )
Live Synth Pro
Midi Yoke ( Free )
ASIO4All ( Free )
on my laptop, and it all works well.
As I mentioned earlier my laptop has 512mb memory and is reasonably fast.

Both setups appear to have their pro's & cons.
Using a card like the SBLive appears to be easier to set up but has limitations for the size of the font you can use.

The setup I now use ( which Frank suggested)was difficult to set up ( for a computer illiterate like me) but now that I've got it up and running, I haven't looked back . it's great)

best wishes