Hi Frank,
I've been spending some time today with the sgm128 font. It's really nice, ( I can hear why AJ likes it) but, unfortunately, it appears to have have problems with those pesky brush placings.
Another xgfont and Synergi ( from memory )plays them correctly, but to my ears, they're a harsher sound.
I'm still dithering about which font to use as a basis for the styles.

I downloaded the demo for that link you gave me yesterday. All but useless as they only give you a few sounds to try. I don't know how you're supposed to test it properly with only a few orchestral sounds and a drum set.
I need to hear it within a sequence to be able to tell how it sounds. I was quite interested, mainly because of the link to it's drum map. It appears to have those brushes that xg drums have, but unfortunately I couldn't try it. I'm still debating on whether it's worth spending 22 euro's, and then maybe still being dissapointed.

Actually OMB I think defaults track 9 to channel 10 automatically. The tracks stay seperate ( 9 & 10 ) but they both are set to channel 10.

If you're referring to the xg gm conversion that can be downloaded from the site, I don't use it as I think it does leave out some of the instruments. I think it's more like the original gm drum table . Michael sent me an actual gm drum set list a while back , and I had forgotten how limited early gm really was. No brushes at all from memory.
At the moment sgm128 is my favourite of the 3 fonts. Conversion tables are going to be a bit tricky because of those brushes.

Maybe an option would be to import an xg set into the font, or if possible , edit the existing drum set by adding the brushes. ( hypothetical of course as I haven't a clue how to do it (haahaa)

It's got me thinking though.

best wishes
Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
Rikki, my experience is similar to yours including with SGM128. I think the only sure bet is to do the conversions as you suggest and combining the various drum channels (9, 10, etc.) to one channel (GM format- I think that is 10). What I find is that if you just use OMB with XGtoGM.con file there are some drum instruments missing (sYnerGi GS comparison vs GM).
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

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Band in a Box 2022