Hi Starkeeper,
I use them in Live Synth Pro with Forte Ensemble.
One advantage is, it has the xg drum mapping. ie the mapping is identical to my Clavinova's XG drum map. It is actually a GM font though, so it doesn't have all the xg drum sets.

Bit too early for me to tell yet, but it does sound good, but so does SGM128.

I think in the long run I'll probably end up with a mix of fonts ie use the drums from one font, the piano's from another etc etc.

As for lead melody, I'm not the right person to ask, I'm still using my Clavinova's grand piano sound. I've been told it has 36mb dedicated to the piano sound alone, wheras the whole xg set ( 400+ voices ) only has 10mb. So , quite frankly I haven't found a font yet that I like more, including some of those large piano fonts I found a while back.

They do have a demo of some of their orchestral sounds. Might give you a rough idea.

Strange though, I found this fantastic midifile yesterday of Vangelis's Theme from Antarctica. For that midifile , Another GS Font, sounded just as good as, if not better than the larger ones.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Starkeeper:
"I splurged and bought that 200mb Reason Font.". Let us/me know what you think of these fonts. Are they good enough for lead voices?
Do you host these in Live Synth Pro?
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022