I love some of the 60's and 70's music,some of it I loath as much as I do the over sampled,rapped over,generaly redundant crap that charts every time.I was frowned upon when I started on this musical journey,classical guitar was considered for p*&^*&sies and fags.My dear ol' dad has an unbelievable collection of music,from Joan Biaz,to Bob Dylan,to Steve Ray Vaghn.In the eighties I followed that dream of being a heavy metal guitar god,funny thing though,the set always included Cream,Jefferson Airplane,Hindryx.I spent hour upon hour on licks and chops,I could burn the fretts off my trusty Les Paul,and in the end,I rarely have to play like that.Now I spend my time in the basics,and learning how to use the damn midi you keyboardest make look and sound so easy.One day I'll catch up with the rest of you,about the same time as you leave me behind.