Originally Posted By: Riceroni9
Hi Donnie:

I don't have the answer to your question... but DJ's (as Boo says) seem to be getting most of the action. I pretty well agree with Boo's lack of enthusiasm for most DJs but there are a few good ones. One thing is certain, I would be lost without my Yamaha 910. Arrangers are such an advantage for songwriters and the new styles and instrument tweaks Yamaha has provided are certainly better. I just placed a new ten song album with an outfit called Loudr. Not only do they sell albums direct from their site... they also provide them to iTunes, Pandora and other "retailers."

Thanks, Yamaha... keep up the good work.

Dave Rice

Some deejays are musicians that create their own music live on stage... they just use different tools...

Some Deejays are just entertainers, that recreate what others did.

And then there are those deejays that are nothing more then radio presentators in front of a live audience, that play MP3s after MP3... thats the oldfashioned Deejay
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
