A 76 will not make you a BETTER player... if you have a 61.

But a 61 will make you a worse player if you are used to a 76 At least for piano and Rhodes parts!

I mean, how many 61 players, having got used to that, would happily shave an octave off it and play a 49? Damn few, I'd be willing to bet...

I can only wait for the howl that is going to occur when Yamaha decide, from extensive market research that the vast majority of home users, being talentless hacks, rarely use more than 49 notes, and promptly reduce the size of all their arrangers to cater to the lowest common denominator... Oh, and be prepared to be castigated by those that HAVE happily got used to a 49 note arranger, too..

BTW, if you can't recognize sarcasm when you see it, get all outraged over that last paragraph, will you...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!