Originally posted by Diki:
Can't speak German, so couldn't get the post, but can anyone say what library was used in the piece? It's nice enough, but what amazes me is that anyone is really surprised at what can be achieved with skill and a decent sampler. I've been hearing things like this since the days of the Emulator I and that's a LONG time ago...

Once you go 'open', it ought to be made plain whether something made on an instrument is the base library, or third party sounds, as anyone looking to the demo for an indicator of what they might be able to do if they bought one should be aware of this, and the potential cost of adding the extra libraries. Some of them can run to thousands of dollars...

I'd sure like to hear the Emulator 1 demo you heard that sounded anything like what Helmut demonstrated using factory sounds that come standard with Lionstracs keyboards. I've had every incarnation of Emulator since the E2 and I've yet to hear a E1 sound like that.

Lionstracs users have been saying for some time that the factory sound library that comes with the instruments are quite good as witnessed by Hemlhuts demo. There are no less than 4 GB worth of sounds shipped with the Lionstracs so chances are there's enough sound OOTB to satisfy most users right out of the gate. It is not required to buy additional sound libraries but if you feel the need to do so, at least its an option.