Originally posted by DonM:
Well, you certainly CAN find real value for low cost these days. For example the small Zoom digital records H2, H4, H4N, have features that only a few years ago you couldn't buy at five times the cost.

I have a $300 mini-laptop that is remarkable. Even if such a unit had been available two years ago, it would have been at least three or four times as expensive.
It has a very good sound card, built-in web camera, 160 gig HD, fast processor and adequate memory for everything I do.
I'm so glad I didn't look at these things and say, "That's too good to be true."
If Fran uses the speakers a while and finds fault with them, he WILL let us know.

Don I have an H2 had an H4 that I hear somehow wound up in Louisiana via New Jersey, go figure LOL All kidding put aside based on Fran's kudos and eventually your's I bought that same mini laptop for my wife for Christmas. She's very happy with it, she was more interested than portability for traveling more than anything else.