If the DVD used a "tweaked" machine then you're right it is a bit deceptive.

I've come to the conclusion however that it has a lot to do with the style of playing.

I had a friend of mine play the piano sound as I listened on and it sounded really good UNTIL... he played a single note melody in the upper two thirds of the keyboard. In this area the Concert Grand sounded really bad, we both agreed it was poor. It sounds good if making lots of noise with two handed piano-player-style with lots of base notes (which sound great), but for a solo piano voice on its own with a light backing style, it is poor - the comment was made Casio-like and I'd have to agree.

Thanks for the download, it is an improvement and thanks to you, I think I’ve also discovered that my speakers maybe back to front - lower notes play on the RH speaker and high notes play on the left. Thanks for your effort it is appreciated.

Working with your custom piano it is a little brighter/cleaner which I like, but I think we're at the point of trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, so for me I guess it's back to the T3's "Live Grand" for me, so in effect it's still the same basic sample as on the original Tyros 1’s “Live Grand”.

Great post, you've done what I should have done, doing your homework so thoroughly.
I basically trusted Yamaha to deliver what they promised but I suppose for the most part (sans the piano), they have.

Interesting, your evaluation of piano voices on other keyboards as toy pianos.... hmmm... a dilemma if one really wants a decent sounding solo piano voice - I guess one would have to look to other sources for a well sampled sound.

The best piano sound I’ve ever heard (to my ears) that has stuck in my memory, was from a Roland digital piano (can’t remember the model) from a few years ago, nothing’s come close to it so far.
I used to have a couple of good sampled pianos with my Ensoniq that were way better in the midrange than this so called “Concert Grand”.
To me, the vocals are still ordinary with the Tyros 3 and one shouldn’t have to go and buy COSTUM voices (typo intended) to make up for a lacking top of the line keyboard.
But I suppose there’s profit to be had isn’t there.

You're right about the drums etc. I hadn't really paid much attention to them because of my fixation with the piano voice, but I'd have to agree they are definitely more present. Reminds me of the CVP109 I had. When I received my first Tyros 1 the first thing I noticed was the loss of impact of the bass/drums. The T3 has finally brought them back on stage.