Originally posted by newman:
Thanks for your kind words and friendly welcome I really appreciate that.


I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say after your Tyros 3 encounter.

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I only gave it a very quick test drive at the shop through the supplied speakers (I may as well have heard it through a clock radio).

I was very impressed with the new Sax, Clarinet and the improved rotary effects and Organ sounds but alas I didn't give the piano a proper evaluation - to me it sounded like a toy piano but I put it down to the speakers - I wanted to believe it would sound so much better through a decent sound system, after all it sounded great on the DVD didn't it?
After I connected it up through my system though, I checked out the Concert Grand Piano and (to my ears) it just sounded like a toy piano through better speakers…
Luckily the T3 still has the Tyros 2 “Live Grand” with a better (but still thin) mid range sound.

I’m sure I’ll learn to love the Tyros 3 in time as it has many enhancements, it’s just that I expected a really good piano sound and for me that just wasn’t delivered by Yamaha.

My advice to any prospective Tyros 3 customers;
Don’t make my mistake, thoroughly test the Tyros 3 before purchase, at least all the sounds and attributes that are important to you.


Chris....thanx for the very honest review on the T3..Ive heard the same thing from a few players myself that they had rather kept their T2...but we live & learn eh?...
Its like anything in advertising a product its all looks oh Sooooo Gooood until YOU try it or YOU Taste it or YOU Drive it....its always a buyer beware scenario out there.

Good Luck to you and have a Happy Holiday!!