Don't forget, if and when I upgrade to a newer Roland (or anything), I sell my current keyboard. For damn good money (I try to keep them as mint as possible, and with Roland's construction values, that's not difficult).

So the cost of 'upgrading' is the cost of a new arranger (minus the discount I negotiate for), and subtract the money I get for my old arranger, which I can sell with it's vast collection of heavily tweaked styles, SMFs, and highly tuned sound, which does NOT come on an OOTB arranger, and get back a fairly decent proportion of the original cost.

Sometimes I can even break even (like I did between G800 and G1000) by waiting a few months until one of the gadfly's unloads a new one they can't figure out, and get it for what I can sell my tweaked out old one. A free HARDWARE update! Not too shabby!

Look, don't get me wrong, there is MUCH to like in Wersi's. But they are anything but cheap, and keeping up with the software route is anything but free...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!