Donny, it's really amaising how different we are. You're a generalist/entertainer who reads each audience and delivers what's appropriate. I'm a specialist. People who come to see me know what they're in for. If they don't like it, they need to leave.

Anyone who pulled out a chicken hat at the places I work would be hurt. Pulling an audience member out to join a circle of dancers would cause a riot, and I'd be the first one to participate (read "kick ass").

And, to tell hard line jazz people that what they listen to is boring would generate a lot of ridicule, at the very least.

Most of my people would think you're appealing to the lowest common denominator with mindless rubbish.

Most of your people would think that I'm an arrogant, snobbish misfit who plays junk.

You've been doing what you do for 40 plus years. I've been doing what I do for 52 years, with 9 weeks off.

With you and your croud, it's it's all about the entertainment/enjoyment. With mine, it's all about the music, music history/culture, etc.

Your potential audience is large. Mine is small. My great honor is associations with Ella Fitgerald, Ray Brown, Clark Terry and the like. You and Fran fondly mention Brenda Lee and Frankie Vallie (sp?) (yuck!).

You revel in the feedback you get from your work. I resent the fact that the big portion of my income comes from doing film scores, not live performance.

The good news is, we're both working in a field we love.

I would come see you as a friend, but would never take the time to see your kind of act for any other reason.

Let's make sure we visit when possible in the near future.

And let's ALL resolve to respect the choices others may make. In spite of the differences between us, and we differ on EVERYTHING about this business, I'm glad to know Donny.

And I'm glad we ALL have Synthzone to enjoy.
