1) I can't to find many of new generation arranger's features in your screenshots (the only available materials on your site). E.g. "music database" -- this is music first, database second. Style manager -- this is first "what is style in music terms", second style picking. I understand that you have 2 styles present in your style manager but even if you have style morphing, it can be done in music terms or in tracks terms? It seems to me that all your Mediastation user interface is in "music programming ontology" (that is "track, event, midi-channel, audiostream etc.") but not "music performance ontology" (that is often style specific -- e.g. "descarga" in latin styles or "riffs" in swing styles).

Then rendering with style morphing. I expect to see something comparable with at list Onix 2.0 ( -- but in real time (in performance mode, not sequencer work mode).

More: can I apply some kind (not exactly from KarmaLab of karma-function to style tracks in real-time? I think -- no yet.

You are now more about quantity (e.g. if any databases mentioned then -- "unlimited, i.e. MySQL or PostgreSQL"), but I try to ask you about new features (e.g. if music database mentioned I will speak about metadata, ontology of this database, database schemata -- I mean not computer database schemata language but music terms supported in your database structure).

2) If this keyboard will be available only in USA -- it not that bad. I have friends in USA. They simply will send it to me in Moscow. Money is not so important to me in this case
Roland G-70, Korg M3-73 with Radius, Roland Handsonic HPD-15