Diki, don't go overboard on this topic. You yourself say that if you can get a better and lighter keyboard you'd buy it. That's what we're all saying. BUT, there soetimes have to be choices and compromises.

For years I did the Hammond/Leslie thing too, but it was too heavy for ME. Then I kept the Leslie and tried other keyboards and soon the Leslie was gone too - weight? My 3-way Toas gave way to two-way Mackies. My PC88 became an XP50 - always striving for something better and lighter. I dropped my DC5 and VR760 for one G70 - always striving.

Weight can be and is an issue for many. Let it be an issue for THEM. The original complaint was about the Tyros2 - not heavy but awkward. Gee, what are we arguing and getting hot under the collar about? If someone wants to take a B3 and a 122 to three jobs a day let them do it. If someone else wants to take a PSR E403 and a mini-amp to one job a month, let them do it.

Don't worry, be happy
Riding on the Avenue of Time