From observing the posts on this BB over the past few years or so, its evident to me that there are some people on here who change the arranger keyboards they use more frequently than they do their own underwear. The way I see it is that these people are abusing the privilege of a 30 day money back guarantee as if its their right, which it isn't. Retail Stores offer these return policies knowing that most people actually research a product thoroughly beforehand, often try it out several times before purchasing it, and most won't return it.

I've seen people utilize these return policies only to be able to use a product for a few weeks on a certain project, gig, performance, etc., knowing that they were going to return it from the get go which is simply wrong. This can only happen so many times before the store decides to implement a shorter return period, or worse yet, no refunds or returns at all. I've seen this happen too many times at music stores I've been to.

When I shop for a product I buy from the store that offers me the best service, selection, a reasonable price, and who are willing to work with me in the event the product I purchased doesn't work for the application I bought it for. For me to expect the store to take an item back, especially if I've returned many things prior, is simply ridiculous. If you aren't sure that the item you are buying will work for you, perhaps you haven't researched it enough or you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Sure there are unforeseen circumstances that could come up but returning an item one time is one thing, doing it over and over again is another.

I realize my opinion won't settle well with many, but if we expect a retail establishment to stay open and provide us with service, selection, and great pricing, we owe it to them to not abuse something as simple as a a return policy.

[This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 11-17-2002).]