Well, gee, Bill – a.k.a. Willum! Sorry that I bruised your ego and opened up your conscience. While I am on you, you have stated more than once on the forum that you are primarily a professional drummer and not a keyboardist. Listening to a few of your songs, I never heard any drumming that sounded particularly interesting. To be a good drummer, one has to do interesting nuances. Doing just a boom kish on every measure doesn’t cut it. I am not a drummer but I damn well know what a good drummer does and I do it in my variations, which are all mine.

Rog, whether you were being facetious or not, I AM talented and have had a successful career to prove it. In New York, I was nicknamed, “Great Scott.” I have also been blessed with an excellent voice. I am going to be kind to you people and let you hear one song only, “Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby” to know what can really be done with a KN7000. Notice how the instruments come alive because of their being improved in Sound Memory and using Drum User Kit. Of course, mentioning Drum User Kit loses everyone. Bill, I suggest you listen carefully to the drumming. This is what drumming is about. Also, be aware of the fine vocal rendition I give this old standard. After listening to it, you can grit you teeth with a set vinegar look on you faces and refuse to like it.
