I noticed when he went to demoing the pedal steel, he started a track and played LH chords. I am still a little confused as to how the pedal steel bend effects work...

Can you elaborate? Is it always the third that bends, or top note/bottom note depending on inversion? Does the inversion of the LH chord have any influence on the note? Being from the States, obviously, pedal steel is a big part of much popular music, and I have tried my best for 40 years to master pedal steel stylings, but have always been frustrated by the inability to bend a note INSIDE the chord.

The only time I found something that allowed this (my K2500 and E! Gray Matter DX7 mod allows you to bend only notes played, not notes held by the sustain pedal, so you play the full chord, sustain it and then lift all fingers but the note you want to bend) it is actually pretty non-intuitive and quite difficult to pull off accurately at anything other than really slow tempi.

So this Yamaha system is apparently very effective, but I’d like to know how it works, and what the limitations are. Can you explain in detail?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!