Behringer FCB1010 vs Nectar Pacer MIDI Foot Controller

It is logical to assume that anyone who purchases both these devices to control their Arranger Keyboard would make a list of pros and cons.

Here are my thoughts:

The Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller has been around for a long time. It is an affordable device offering a slew of MIDI functionality that does the job. I can understand its wide popularity. Manual programming is difficult because all it has is a 2 character display.

This is no longer an issue since you have the FCB1010 Monitor software to edit the 100 Presets in the form of a spreadsheet.

You can quickly make edits to a group of Presets by cutting and pasting values.

SysEx transfer is almost instantaneous.

The device is self-contained. It comes with 2 Expression Pedals.

It does not have USB capability. However, it has MIDI IN and MIDI OUT/THRU ports.

You can use the MIDI MERGE function to connect a Stage Piano to the MIDI IN port of the FCB1010 device and then transmit the merged output to the MIDI IN port of your Arranger Keyboard.

The device comes with a built in power supply.

The Behringer FCB1010 offers an unbeatable value at $159.99

You can switch EPROMS to get additional functionality.

This brings a lot of versatility.

The Nectar Pacer is a much more modern design with USB capability.

For $70 more you get a ton of extra MIDI Control over your connected devices.

The device has a premium build quality and feels sturdy.

Each of the 10 pedals plus the Preset pedal has a positive feel when you step on them. They are silent. You can assign 12 different colors to each pedal and change how they behave when on or off. The big bright red LED display tells you what MIDI message got sent.

You will never be left wondering if your pedal was correctly engaged.

This visual clue is crucial under the stress of a live performance.

On the other hand, the pedals on the FCB1010 feel mushy. You can hear them crunch as you push down. It feels like you have accidentally stepped on a big fat roach with your boots. It does not give you a satisfactory feeling.

Sometimes you need to push down really hard to make a positive contact.

The pedals on the Pacer are easier and satisfying to operate. The Pacer wins by a mile in this aspect.

The width of the Pacer is just right at 20 inches. You can attach two of your favorite Expression Pedals and 4 additional Foot Switches.

The FCB1010 is a lot larger measuring 26 inches wide as it includes the two expression pedals.

I would rather have the smaller width of the Pacer with the option to add my own expression pedals.

What makes the Pacer stand out is its comprehensive control over every MIDI function including Transport and Track controls for almost all popular DAWs. It understands the Mackie Control protocols.

The Pacer is the ideal device for Guitarists and Keyboard Players to remotely control their effect boxes and Arranger Keyboards.

The Pacer can send out 6 note Chords from each of its 10 pedals. Remember, each pedal can be programmed for up to 6 sequence steps that can be triggered one step at a time or in a single burst.

This allows a Guitarist to control chord changes on an Arranger with their feet.

If you were to buy a MIDI Foot Controller today, I would highly recommend in spending $70 more and getting the Nectar Pacer device.

The FCB1010 was the king of all MIDI Foot Controllers 10 years back. It rightfully acquired thousands of fans worldwide.

The Nectar Pacer is the new kid in the block. Its functionality, built quality and visual appeal far surpasses the FCB1010.

At $229.99 the Pacer is still cheaper than the Yamaha MFC10 or the Roland FC-300.

I have not tried the Roland FC-300. I use a Roland FC-7 foot controller with my Roland E-80 Arranger. Judging from the build quality of the FC-7 I can make a confident guess that the pedals on the FC-300 will outclass the pedals on the Pacer.

When it comes to build quality it is hard to beat a Roland product.


Edited by Tapas (05/16/21 05:04 PM)