Hello all,

I like to share with you the comment of a recent customer. Of course I like to keep the name anonymous since I didn't ask permission. But I am enthusiast to tell you:

"Thank you for sending the registration so promptly. It took a long time to figure out how to make paypal work on my computer, but I finally got it to send the payment. The paypal help menu tells how to set Internet Explorer to accept cookies from paypal. Installing the registration was easy, and everything is working fine.
I've used the SD Explorer program on the limited basis for several days, and it has made it possible to transfer many styles and songs to SD cards that I downloaded from the internet over the last year. This has made it possible to finally use them on my KN7000, and will give me a lot of enjoyment. Thanks for your great program; evey KN7000 owner should have it.
I've also enjoyed looking at your vision4life website. You have achieved a lot in life. And most important of all are your Christian endeavors."

Regards, Fred
Kind Regards, Fred