Hi Ian

As far as styles go it depends on the music, (Although my favourite is heavy rock, (I’m a 70s guy) I enjoy most types of music (Never could get into punk though) including classical) but by and large it is just drums and occasional chord backing from the style to add variation when the chord progression is moving slow. (Hence styles have always been way down the list of priorities for me, however I do like experimenting with sound, which is why 3rd party sound support and editing is of paramount importance to have on any instrument I purchase)

Don’t play many really fast pedals these days as I am stiffer than I used to be (The downside of age), plus with other interests and a day job I don’t get that much time to practice or play.

The main problem with styles for me, is that if you listen to a live arranger player, 90% of them sound exactly the same as each other, (Their arranger forces them to play what the style dictates) whereas those that don’t rely on styles, develop their own individual style of playing. (This has always been my preference)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).