I'm not your mate and never will be so don't call me mate. I dislike people calling me mate or friend when they're not. I take friendship very serious and don't use mate or friend unless I mean it otherwise they're just empty words.

So far you haven't proven anything so don't ask us to. All you guys do is talk in circles and throw scriptures around like there's no tomorrow. You must be a total failure as a preacher since you haven't come up with even one fact that has us thinking.

You're rude, boring and opinionated, yet without any clear evidence. Listen to "real" scientists and you might learn something. And while they don't claim to know all the answers, they are getting closer and closer to the facts. And whenever they're wrong, they'll be proven wrong.

You expect us to respect your belief but you disrespect every one that has a different belief. Prove that theirs are wrong. Don't come here challenging us with nonsense. My problem is not that there is or isn't a god or gods...my problem is people like you who think they're superior. Don't tell me that you aren't for all evidence points in your direction.

You talk about sin and forgiveness yet can't bring yourself to apologize to Russ. Some preacher you are!

Challenge yourself and read a real book for once! Like "The Catcher in the Rye" or maybe "The Cat in the Hat" is more appropriate for you.

Case closed! No use talking to hypocrites!
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。